Tuesday 2 November 2010

Autumn Half Term 2010

I would kind of like to start with a rant about how amazingly hard and challenging it is in a technical way to put this blog together. The programme to just put pictures on is unbelievably hopeless so that I have to put all the pictures up first (each one takes 2mins to download) as it can't cope with text as well. Is it just me! There are millions of bloggers who blog everyday and never mention the trouble they have. So sorry to have a moan but really... its enough to put you off ever blogging again!!!

Now to the half term that has been. We started off Josie and I in Norfolk. Here is Isabelle learning to crochet! Doesn't she look the part!

A happy game of racing demon!

A very nice NT. With apple cheesecake!

Bailey's cafe
Lovely shop - snooty staff!!

Delicious chocolate cake and flapjack.
Russian Caravan Tea

Simon and his sister Carolyn and a flash of Josie!

Wendy who accepted my jewellery for Parkfields in Ross on Wye

A high tea!

Josie, Zak and George
It won't let me put text next to the next picture....Hmmmm! so the capture is here...
Josie's 1930's bag design.

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