So no photos today. I've been a bit to busy as you will hear. Last night went out to check my other little kiln was ok and unfortunately found that it too was not well. Hence I felt a little despairing and a bit like a taxi driver without a taxi. My sense of humour failed me and I felt a decline in my spirits. I went to bed a little sad. Not feeling I could burden Mary with yet another broken kiln (it would be far too much to ask) this morning I went to the wonderful Internet and found Essex Kilns. They were helpful and John told me to load my kiln in my car and drive it to him. So once again this week I found myself driving with yet another kiln in the countryside. In fact I ended up at the seaside! I drove as far as the road could take me to the marina - here I found John who very cleverly discovered that it was not too much wrong and he made right promptly (or I hope - kiln is firing as I write and I will check it later - many crossed fingers). So you see there hasn't been time for photos.
(thank you GA for your lovely supportive comments - much appreciated)
1 comment:
Oh dear! What a nasty shock! So glad you found such a helpful firm to make everything AOK once again! Trust you will be back in full production in no time. Lol GA
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